Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Beginning of my Whole Brain Adventure

As an educator I am always looking for new ways to inspire learning, promote engagement, and make the classroom a place where I enjoy what I do each day. Most importantly I want  my students to actually WANT to come to school because they find it to be exciting and fun. About 2 years ago a colleague of mine shared her exciting new adventure which then lead to a new fascination in my own classroom. The new fascination...Whole Brain Teaching.
I attended my first conference of Whole Brain Teaching in the summer of 2012. This conference was the beginning to a transformation of my classroom. I had always felt that classroom management was a strength of mine. With student teachers and college observers I had always explained with good classroom management you could teach anything. Without it, you could be brilliant in any subject matter but never fully engaging a classroom, thus the teacher would not be able to teach. Whole Brain Teaching is so much more than classroom management, though.  In its entirety, it encompasses teaching practices, motivational resources,  and ways to assist teachers in dealing with difficult students.
As my teaching experience with WBT grew, I became comfortable and I began to share my teachings and I documented the amazing transformations in my class. One video production lead to a large group of college instructors asking for their college students to come observe my classroom. This lead to a new sharing experience. Well, this sharing has inspired me to branch out to a wider audience and share my wild work in WBT.
My goal during this adventure is to share and continue to push myself as a teacher to try these incredible practices and bring them to life for all to see. My first adventure... Super Speed Reading and Math! Follow the link to view my classroom in action!

1 comment:

  1. Keep up the hard work to obatining your WBT certification!! :)
